DGC/RW RoyalLions Jewel Thief of Tanstaafl
17th Best LH Cat SE Region
QGC/RW Tanstaafl Miss Toes
10th Best LH Cat SE Region
SGC, RW Tanstaafl I M Furgalicious MSS
Best SE Regional Maine Coon Alter and 7th Best SE Regional Alter
Owner: Michelle Smith
TICA 2008-2009
SGC, RW Tanstaafl Mickey Finn of Dracoonfly
11th Best AB Champion in the Northeast Region
4th Best LH Champion in the Northeast Region
Breeder: Beth Hicks
Owner: Sharon Stegall/Marge & Phil Berger
2006-2007 TICA Awards
Double Grand Champion
Calicoon Lacey of Tanstaafl
20th Best LongHair Cat
Southeast Region |
Supreme Grand Champion Alter,
Quad Grand Champion, Regional Winner
Dorwill Darcy of Calicoon
Owner: Lynne Sherer |
2005-2006 TICA Awards
Supreme Grand Alter
Calicoon's Next Big Thing
Best Maine Coon Alter Southeast
Region |
2005-2006 TICA Awards
Supreme Grand Champion
Calicoon Agt
Bristow of Coonbitzky (Sydney)
Best Maine Coon Great Lakes Region |
2005-2006 TICA Awards
RW/SGC Chemicoon Catalyst of Calicoon, OS (Rowdy)
5th Best Kitten NW Region
16th Best Allbreed Cat NW Region
Rowdy's Grand Offspring
RW/SGC Woodpile Combustion of
RW/SGC Woodpile London of Cattycats
QGC Woodpile the Rogue
GC Woodpile Roaring River
QGCA Woodpile Orange Crush
GCA Tanstaafl Billy Ray
RW/SGC Tanstaafl Mickey Finn of Dracoonfly
RW/SGCA Tanstaafl IM Furgalicious MSS
RW/QGC Tanstaafl Miss Toes
DGCA Calicoon Red Rowdy Rawhide
Grand Alter
Calicoon Alice Foxy Lady in Red
Double Grand Champion Calicoon Bridget
Double Grand Champion Calicoon
Grand Champion Calicoon Crystal
Silver Torbie Tabby and Whites |
2004-2005 TICA Awards
TICA Regional Winner, Supreme Grand Champion
Calicoon Robby of Dixiekatz
Best SE Regional Maine Coon |
TICA Regional Winner, TICA Supreme Grand Champion
CFA Grand Champion
Calicoon Eddie George of Coonbitzky
2003-2004 TICA Awards Best Blue MC Internationally Best Blue in GL Region Owner: Laura and Joe Kembitzky |
CFA Grand Premier Calicoon Dexter
Owner: Kristi Wilkes |
TICA Regional Winner, Supreme Grand Champion
Tanstaafl Beauregard, Outstanding Sire
2003 TICA Awards |
Beauregard's Grand Offspring GC Calicoon Crystal
DGC Calicoon Bridget
TGCA Calicoon Alice Foxy
Lady in Red
SGCA Calicoon Next Big
QGCA Calicoon It's 5
O'clock Somewhere
DGCA Walmet Red Hot Texas
DCA Calicoon Lacey of
GC Calicoon Casey
DGC Dixikatz Sadie Blue
DGC RoyalLions Count
DGC RoyalLions Jewel Thief
of Tanstaafl (an 11th just for insurance!)
SGC RoyalLions Count Blackula
Calicoon Cashmere of
Tuscaloosa and RW, SGC Tanstaafl Beauregard
(Cashmere, at 5 months old is owned by Francesca
Champion Owned by: Nancy LeBaron |
Supreme Grand Champion, Regional Winner
Tanstaafl Copper Penny of SSL
2001 TICA Awards Owned by: Bettina Pelkmann |
Supreme Grand Champion, Regional Winner Tanstaafl Copper Penny of SSL(L) and Supreme Grand Champion, Regional Winner Tanstaafl Memphis Amity of SSL(R) as kittens.
Supreme Grand Champion, Regional
Tanstaafl Memphis Amity of SSL
2001 TICA Awards
Owned by: Bettina Pelkmann |
Quad Grand Champion, Regional Winner
Dorwill Darcy of Calicoon
Supreme Grand Alter, Regional
Calicoon Dakota's Got Milk
2005 TICA Awards 2001 TICA Awards
Owned by: Vivian
Frawley |
Supreme Grand Alter, Regional
Winner |
Supreme Grand Alter, Regional
Calicoon Milo
2002 TICA Awards
Grand Champion
Calicoon Tye the American Native
2002 TICA Award
3rd Best Southern Europe Regional Maine Coon Alter |
Grand Champion
Sid N Vicious of American Native
Owned by: Eveline Meier
Brown Classic Tabby
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