SGC/RW Chemicoons Catalyst of Calicoon, OS (Rowdy)
Now Retired

Breeder: Liz Hansen
Brown Classic Tabby
Born: January 26, 2005

DNA & Echo Negative 

Photos by Tetsu


Rowdy's Grand Offspring
RW/SGC Woodpile Combustion of Chemicoons
RW/SGC Woodpile London of Cattycats
QGC Woodpile the Rogue
GC Woodpile Roaring River
QGCA Woodpile Orange Crush
GCA Tanstaafl Billy Ray
RW/SGC Tanstaafl Mickey Finn of Dracoonfly
RW/SGCA  Tanstaafl IM Furgalicious MSS
RW/QGC Tanstaafl Miss Toes
DGCA Calicoon Red Rowdy Rawhide

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